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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Miss Nelson Is Missing! by Harry Allard: Child Fiction

One of my favorite children’s books, Miss Nelson Is Missing! by Harry Allard is quite entertaining.  Children love it and understand the unspoken (and funny) twist at the end.
Nutshell: The kids in room 207 are so awful, their regular teacher goes missing and she is replaced by Ms. Viola Swamp.

A+       [Story/Plot A; Characters A+; Flow A; Content A+; Humor A; Setting B]
Genre/Subject: Fiction/Classroom; Children
Additional Note: Picture book; AR Level 2.7

1 comment:

  1. This has always been a classic not only for the classroom, but for children's stories in general. I've always loved this entire series, but the original is one of the best.
