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Monday, May 14, 2012

Packing for Mars: the curious science of life in the void by Mary Roach

Stomach turning at some points but Packing for Mars: curious science of life in the void by Mary Roach is very fascinating.  Humor (the intelligent kind) is here, too!
Nutshell:  The inner workings of NASA and how they’re preparing for Mars (and have been for quite some time.)  From myths which seem real to realities that seem fantastical, this book has it!

A         [Information A; Flow/Organization A+; Usefulness B+]
Genre/Subject: Adult Nonfiction/Mars; Science

Monday, May 7, 2012

Are You Smart Enough to Work at Google?: trick questions, zen-like riddles, insanely difficult puzzles, and other devious interviewing techniques you need to know to get a job in the new economy by William Poundstone: Adult Nonfiction

Although the riddles are a good thing to know, what I appreciated more was why they are good to know.  What do companies hope to see when they give these strange questions; what underlying motivation should I be working towards?

Nutshell: From hazings to randomly absurd questions, the balance of power has shifted to the hirers rather than the hirees.  A heads up on what you might find when looking for employment…

A+       [Information A; Flow/Organization A+; Usefulness A+]

Genre/Subject: Nonfiction/Interviews