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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH by Robert C. O’Brien

An odd book, Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH by Robert C. O’Brien is another story with anthropomorphized rats and mice.  This seems to be overdone a bit, but the story itself is interesting enough with an inventive reason as to why these mice and rats seem so human.

Leaf piece: A mother mouse and her children are in danger of losing their home (and their lives) until the wise healer mouse advises her to meet the frightful Rats of NIMH. 

B         [Story/Plot B; Characters B+; Content B; Setting B+]

Genre/Subject: Child Fiction/Fantasy; Animals

Additional Note: Newbery Award Winner: 1972; AR Level 5.1

Monday, October 8, 2012

Pathfinder by Orson Scott Card

Pathfinder is well done, but darkly lonely and sad, which is par for Orson Scott Card (at least in the books that I have read.)  This book has great story movement and character building, and an interesting (if slightly predictable) conclusion.
Leaf piece: A boy goes on an adventure to save his universe (a.k.a. String Theory), while discovering and nurturing hidden -and unusual- talents in himself and his friends.
A         [Story/Plot A; Characters A-; Content B+; Setting A]
Genre/Subject: Teen Fiction/SciFi
Additional Note: AR Level 6.3

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Diviner by Bryan Davis

Not any better than the previous book in the series, Diviner by Bryan Davis is another disappointment.  The first book in the series is so good I’m still hoping the next books will get better.  It could happen.
B-        [Story/Plot B; Characters C+; Content C; Setting B]
Genre/Subject: Teen Fiction/Fantasy
Additional Note: Dragons of Starlight: Book 3; AR Level 5.4

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Warrior by Bryan Davis

What a sad disappointment.  Warrior by Bryan Davis is typical Second Book Slump and Christian publishing house material.  The story is forced, and so is the dialogue.  Worse yet, the great action and excitement in the first book has not made its way into the second.  So much potential and it just crashed and burned.  I hope the third makes up for it.

 B-        [Story/Plot B; Characters B-; Content C; Setting B+]

Genre/Subject: Teen Fiction/Fantasy

Additional Note: Dragons of Starlight: Book 2; AR Level 5.4

Monday, May 14, 2012

Packing for Mars: the curious science of life in the void by Mary Roach

Stomach turning at some points but Packing for Mars: curious science of life in the void by Mary Roach is very fascinating.  Humor (the intelligent kind) is here, too!
Nutshell:  The inner workings of NASA and how they’re preparing for Mars (and have been for quite some time.)  From myths which seem real to realities that seem fantastical, this book has it!

A         [Information A; Flow/Organization A+; Usefulness B+]
Genre/Subject: Adult Nonfiction/Mars; Science

Monday, May 7, 2012

Are You Smart Enough to Work at Google?: trick questions, zen-like riddles, insanely difficult puzzles, and other devious interviewing techniques you need to know to get a job in the new economy by William Poundstone: Adult Nonfiction

Although the riddles are a good thing to know, what I appreciated more was why they are good to know.  What do companies hope to see when they give these strange questions; what underlying motivation should I be working towards?

Nutshell: From hazings to randomly absurd questions, the balance of power has shifted to the hirers rather than the hirees.  A heads up on what you might find when looking for employment…

A+       [Information A; Flow/Organization A+; Usefulness A+]

Genre/Subject: Nonfiction/Interviews

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Dragon’s Breath by E. D. Baker: Teen Fiction

Lighthearted with a few surprise twists, Dragon’s Breath by E. D. Baker is the second in the Tales of the Frog Princess.  This is a great tale about being a friend and being yourself. 
Nutshell:  To save the kingdom, Emma goes on a quest to turn her aunt’s long lost love human again.  An added twist in her adventure: when Emma hiccups, she transforms between human and frog!  Along the way she meets new friends and some new enemies too.

B+       [Story/Plot B; Characters B; Content A; Setting B+]
Genre/Subject: Fiction/Fantasy
Additional Note: Tales of the Frog Princess: Book 2; AR Level 5.3